Register Now for the January 2025 Virtual Quarterly Membership Meeting
CLICK HERE to register for the upcoming quarterly membership meeting on Tuesday, January 7th at 5:30 PM ET. You must register for the meeting on Zoom to receive the link.
The Office and Professional Employees International Union (OPEIU) Local 2

OPEIU Local 2 supports 8,000 working people in DC, Maryland, and Virginia. We empower workers to make change in their workplaces and in their communities. As the founder of the Nonprofit Employees United initiative, OPEIU also supports thousands of non-profit workers who have formed unions across the country. Members come from various backgrounds including museums, higher education, legal aid, hospitals, civil rights, social services, reproductive health, and more.
Join us.
Do you want to empower your colleagues and have a stronger voice in your workplace? Do you need an equitable contract that ensures your rights? Contact our Organizer to find out how you can form a union and join Local 2.
Unions in the News
"Rising wage inequality and sluggish hourly wage growth for the vast majority of workers have been defining features of the American labor market for nearly four decades, despite steady productivity growth."
Elise Gould outlines the important, and deeply troublesome, trends observed in American wages over the past several decades. While those in the highest income brackets have seen some of the greatest wage growth, low-income workers have seen very little real increases. In essence: wage inequality is increasing at a much faster rate than we've seen in the past. Read more and learn about the differences across gender, race, age, etc. |
The Growth of Non-Profit and Social Service Org Unions
Staff at progressive organizations across the country recognize the benefits of forming a union in their workplaces. Read more about some of the work Local 2 is doing with groups like the National Democratic Institute in Washington, DC.
What's the union benefit?
Read George Long's takeaways from a ten-year study titled "Differences Between Union and Nonunion Compensation, 2001-2011." Long uses extensive statistical evidence to demonstrate that not only have unionized employees continued to earn more both in wages as well as benefits, but the differences between union and nonunion employees have widened--the benefits for union employees are even greater now than they were at the start of the century.
Local 2 News
2022 OPEIU Local 2 Quarterly Membership Meetings
2nd Quarterly Membership Meeting of 2022
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
via ZOOM
Please register here by 5 PM on April 4 so that we can send out meeting minutes in a timely fashion!
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
via ZOOM
Please register here by 5 PM on April 4 so that we can send out meeting minutes in a timely fashion!
"We’re working people. We don’t sit around. We take action."
Spotlight Your Shop.
OPEIU Local 2 has some amazing shop stewards and union members. We want the world to know about you, so let us highlight your shop on this website and profile you in our e-newsletter.
Office & Professional Employees International Union, Local 2
AFL-CIO, CLC. All Rights Reserved. © 2019 Privacy Policy. |
OPEIU Local 2 | 8555 16th Street, Suite 550 | Silver Spring, MD 20910
Tel (301) 608-8080 |