Out in the Union: Labor History of Queer America
Friday, May 22, 2015
Here are some upcoming book readings and panel & discussion for Out In The Union: A Labor History Of Queer America happening in your area over the next month! All events will have author Miriam Frank and some of the people she writes about.
Red Emma's Bookstore & Coffeehouse
Wednesday, May 27, 7:30p 30 W. North Ave., Baltimore;
at the corner of Maryland & North Aves
Workers In Retail Panel; "Fighting Inequality" Labor & Working Class History Conference
Thursday, May 28, 3:30p37th & O Streets NW, Washington
Georgetown University Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor & the Working Poor, Maguire Hall
Pride @ Work at AFL-CIO Headquarters
Friday, May 29, 5:00 - 6:30p815 16th Street NW, Washington, DC; Murray Green Room, ground floor
Readings and discussion with people who have lived the history... Find out about new developments in labor/LGBT politics. PAPERBACK copies of OUT IN THE UNION for purchase & signing. Light refreshments and lots of interesting people. RSVP through the Facebook event and please share with your friends!
Here are some upcoming book readings and panel & discussion for Out In The Union: A Labor History Of Queer America happening in your area over the next month! All events will have author Miriam Frank and some of the people she writes about.
Red Emma's Bookstore & Coffeehouse
Wednesday, May 27, 7:30p 30 W. North Ave., Baltimore;
at the corner of Maryland & North Aves
Workers In Retail Panel; "Fighting Inequality" Labor & Working Class History Conference
Thursday, May 28, 3:30p37th & O Streets NW, Washington
Georgetown University Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor & the Working Poor, Maguire Hall
Pride @ Work at AFL-CIO Headquarters
Friday, May 29, 5:00 - 6:30p815 16th Street NW, Washington, DC; Murray Green Room, ground floor
Readings and discussion with people who have lived the history... Find out about new developments in labor/LGBT politics. PAPERBACK copies of OUT IN THE UNION for purchase & signing. Light refreshments and lots of interesting people. RSVP through the Facebook event and please share with your friends!
Free Towing & Roadside Service for Members
Friday, May 22, 2015
OPEIU Local 2 offers towing & roadside assistance provided FREE to all members. Your address must be up to date and you must be a member in good standing. Towing/service calls per year for all members and family living in the same household, valued up to $100 each. Members have received a blue OPEIU Towing/Service Calls Benefits card. OPEIU’s 24-hour Sign and Drive Plan includes: Free hook up and tow up to 25 miles; 24-hour emergency roadside assistance; 24-hour emergency battery service; 24-hour emergency lockout service; 24-hour delivery of supplies; 24-hour emergency tire service; Travel discounts and much more. Need update your address? Download the Change Request Form and fax to: 301-608-2586. For more automobile and travel benefits go to Union Privilege. For more OPEIU benefits, start with our website OPEIU-Local2.org
OPEIU Local 2 offers towing & roadside assistance provided FREE to all members. Your address must be up to date and you must be a member in good standing. Towing/service calls per year for all members and family living in the same household, valued up to $100 each. Members have received a blue OPEIU Towing/Service Calls Benefits card. OPEIU’s 24-hour Sign and Drive Plan includes: Free hook up and tow up to 25 miles; 24-hour emergency roadside assistance; 24-hour emergency battery service; 24-hour emergency lockout service; 24-hour delivery of supplies; 24-hour emergency tire service; Travel discounts and much more. Need update your address? Download the Change Request Form and fax to: 301-608-2586. For more automobile and travel benefits go to Union Privilege. For more OPEIU benefits, start with our website OPEIU-Local2.org
Labor book for kids!!
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Bedtime reading for those future union organizers/activists!
Manny and the Mango Tree is about a good-natured boy who cannot understand why the owner of his apartment building won't let the children pick the luscious mangoes from the tree in the courtyard that they lovingly watered and fed. With the parents scared the owner will call immigration if they object, Manny and his friends organize a protest march that raises one hullabaloo. Ages 4-8.
Bedtime reading for those future union organizers/activists!
Manny and the Mango Tree is about a good-natured boy who cannot understand why the owner of his apartment building won't let the children pick the luscious mangoes from the tree in the courtyard that they lovingly watered and fed. With the parents scared the owner will call immigration if they object, Manny and his friends organize a protest march that raises one hullabaloo. Ages 4-8.
It's Mothers Day!!
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Happy Mother's Day to all of those amazing union moms out there!
"Our Children Need to Hear Us Talk About Union" - Huffington Post blog written by AFSCME Secretary Treasurer
"Throughout our nation's history, women have played a significant role in transforming workers' lives. Their courage, spirit and contributions not only changed the labor movement but helped shape our society - and still inspire us today." ~ AFL-CIO Working Women in Union History
National Women's Health Week Kicks off on Today!!
Celebrate this Mother’s Day by participating in the 16th annual National Women’s Health Week kicking off on May 10. An observance to empower women to make their health a priority, National Women’s Health Week also serves as a time to help women understand what steps they can take to improve their health.
To improve your physical and mental health, you can visit a doctor or nurse to receive regular checkups and preventive screenings; get active; eat healthy; pay attention to mental health, including getting enough sleep and managing stress; avoid unhealthy behaviors, such as smoking, texting while driving, and not wearing a seatbelt or bicycle helmet.
Click here to find out more information.
Happy Mother's Day to all of those amazing union moms out there!
"Our Children Need to Hear Us Talk About Union" - Huffington Post blog written by AFSCME Secretary Treasurer
"Throughout our nation's history, women have played a significant role in transforming workers' lives. Their courage, spirit and contributions not only changed the labor movement but helped shape our society - and still inspire us today." ~ AFL-CIO Working Women in Union History
National Women's Health Week Kicks off on Today!!
Celebrate this Mother’s Day by participating in the 16th annual National Women’s Health Week kicking off on May 10. An observance to empower women to make their health a priority, National Women’s Health Week also serves as a time to help women understand what steps they can take to improve their health.
To improve your physical and mental health, you can visit a doctor or nurse to receive regular checkups and preventive screenings; get active; eat healthy; pay attention to mental health, including getting enough sleep and managing stress; avoid unhealthy behaviors, such as smoking, texting while driving, and not wearing a seatbelt or bicycle helmet.
Click here to find out more information.
Office & Professional Employees International Union, Local 2
AFL-CIO, CLC. All Rights Reserved. © 2019 Privacy Policy. |
OPEIU Local 2 | 8555 16th Street, Suite 550 | Silver Spring, MD 20910
Tel (301) 608-8080 www.facebook.com/OPEIULocal2 |